The River
Imdb Rating7.4

The growing pains of three young women contrast with the immutability of the holy Bengal River, around which their daily lives unfold.

Nora Swinburne
Esmond Knight
Arthur Shields
Suprova Mukerjee
Thomas E. Breen
Patricia Walters
Adrienne Corri
June Tripp
Nimai Barik

The River

1951 English Movie
Drama Romance
Shashank Kapoor
Shashank Kapoor
Very dated , melodramatic plot shot like a documentary ( but wasn’t one ) .
10 Dec’23 18:39
Rudrangshu Samanta
Rudrangshu Samanta
e/by0JkAi9o_8?si=3FTDcMwiSS1J9Pnk (With Subtitles)