The Godfather Part II
Imdb Rating9

The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate.

Al Pacino
Robert Duvall
Diane Keaton
Robert De Niro
John Cazale
Talia Shire
Lee Strasberg
Michael V. Gazzo
G.D. Spradlin
Richard Bright

The Godfather Part II

1974 English Movie
Drama Crime

~ Godfather Part II is a great sequel to one of the greatest films ever madewhich is 'The Godfather'. Casting Robert De Niro as the young Vito Corleone was the best decision and I absolutely loved his backstory and I wish that we got more of Robert De Niro as Vito Corleone. He played the young version of Marlon Brando's Vito Corleone with so much ease and he adopted his mannerisms really well. Talking about performances, Al Pacino was also brillaint in the film and I loved his character development throughout the film. The Micheal Corleone in the beginning of Godfather Part 1 is so much different from Micheal in Part 2. This is an epic saga of power , betrayal and greed. The entire cast has done a great job. Apart from De Niro and Al Pacino , it was John Cazale for me who I loved in the film , he was magnificent. Francis Ford Coppola has given so much attention to details and I liked the constant switching back between Micheal's character arc and Vito's rise to power. It is the length of the film that I didn't like that much , It's too long for my liking. But it's still a brillaint film and a great sequel to Godfather.

20 Sep’24 12:01