The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
Imdb Rating7

A thirteen-year-old girl, who lives with her absentee father, befriends a disabled teenage amateur magician and invites him, gradually, into her tenuous struggle against a predatory local neighbor.

Jodie Foster
Martin Sheen
Alexis Smith
Mort Shuman
Scott Jacoby
Dorothy Davis
Clesson Goodhue
Hubert Noël
Jacques Famery
Mary Morter

The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane

1976 English Movie
Drama Mystery Thriller Horror
Binge Label
Binge Label

Jodie Foster's performance is the highlight of the film.While the overall production is satisfactory, it lacks any outstanding or unique elements in the narrative, except for Jodie Foster's performance. Overall, the film can be characterized as averagely executed, which I find acceptable.

18 Sep’24 16:23