Talk to Me
Prime Video
Imdb Rating7.1

When a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrifying supernatural forces.

Ari McCarthy
Hamish Phillips
Sarah Brokensha
Jayden Davison
Sophie Wilde
Marcus Johnson
Kidaan Zelleke

Talk to Me

2022 English Movie
Horror Thriller
This Is Barry
This Is Barry

Great concept, unexpected ending.The makeup was stellar, nothing over the top, just the right amount. But when the central character begins to get on your nerves, you do begin to dissociate with the events of the film. Glad they managed to wrap it up all right. Here's a detailed explanation - In this episode of Film Exploder, we go into everything about this movie -

24 Jul’24 15:44