Midnight in Paris
Imdb Rating7.6

While on a trip to Paris with his fiancée's family, a nostalgic screenwriter finds himself mysteriously going back to the 1920s every day at midnight.

Owen Wilson
Rachel McAdams
Kurt Fuller
Mimi Kennedy
Michael Sheen
Nina Arianda
Carla Bruni
Maurice Sonnenberg
Thierry Hancisse
Kathy Bates

Midnight in Paris

2011 English Movie
Comedy Fantasy Romance
Shashank Kapoor
Shashank Kapoor

Woody Allen ( yet again ) projecting himself & his yearing into the screen thistime through Owen Wilson ( Gil ) . Loved the fact that he decides to put everyone from Jean Cocteau , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Ernest Hemingway to Pablo Picasso to even dadist / surrealist - Salvador Dalí & even Luis Buñuel but hate him on missing out other prominent figures that were there at the time ( in Paris ) such as max Ernest , James Joyce & George Orwell . Overall predictable plot with some pacing problems here & there ( some scenes were literally dragged for no reason at all ) .

7 Feb’24 20:57