While We Watched
Imdb Rating8.6

How independent news reporting in India and beyond is increasingly under threat by budgetary cuts and especially, extremists leveraging alternative platforms to spread misinformation.

While We Watched

2022 Hindi Movie
News Biography Documentary
Jinesh Muralidharan
Jinesh Muralidharan

While we watched currently streaming on Mubi is amongst the finest piece ofdocumentaries that I’ve ever seen. It’s a constant tussle for a journalist in trying to keep his ethos for his profession when there is a toxic environment with pseudo nationalistic feelers being put out constantly and Ravish Kumar , whose personal and professional life is being covered is trying to stay afloat following his principles even under dire consequences. I felt dreaded everytime there was a phone call or a cake cutting ceremony which was so symbolic of his organisation being dismantled systemically .Credit to director Vijay Shukla for creating something that’s equal parts riveting and equal parts moving. Ravish’s speech when he wins the Ramon Magsaysay award for journalism where he quotes the importance of being on the battlefield is one for the ages . It’s really sad that such fine pierce of content will never find a release on the big screen in India nor will a major streaming partner will pick it for distribution. At the moment we need to console ourselves watching it on Mubi . An absolute must watch whether you agree or disagree with Ravish Kumar ..

25 May’24 07:05