Prime Video
Imdb Rating8.1

A couple in love, accidentally become teenage parents. Unpleasant situations make them fall apart. Manikandan, left alone with his son, struggles as a single teenage father. Fate owns him, bringing Sindhu back into his life.

Aparna Das
Vtv Ganesh
Pradeep Anthony
Arvind Janakiraman


2023 Tamil Movie
Romance Family Drama
Tried&Refused Productions
Tried&Refused Productions

Hands down the biggest recommendation that I can give you in this video is towatch Dada directed by Ganesh K Babu. A movie starring KAVIN AND APARNA DAS in lead roles is a story that absolutely broke me. A story of fate, manifestation, growing up, the curve balls that life throws at you and compels you to persevere and what it means to be a man! I was worried while watching this film, as it progressed and seemed to become like any other coming of age story but Dada is so much more than that. A surprise pregnancy causes conflict and differences between a couple, without giving much context, the child is raised by a single father & why or how such circumstances transpired forms the premise of Dada. I can’t help but mention on how the two leads share exceptional chemistry with one another and it really does act like the soul of the film. Its natural ability to make you root for their union. This film is not just an emotional tale but of learnings, of maturity, of being a better person, not masked with preachy dialogues or speeches but of how most character building is done, with action, when pushed to the corner and tested. Jen Martin & his music will truly tug at your heart strings Its another beautiful story of a low budget Tamil film getting noticed by the masses and it breaks this preconceived notions that only big scale projects are working with audiences. I assure you will be left in tears with this one, its moving and so beautiful!

31 Mar’23 06:04