Imdb Rating6.6

Meena, who loves a man from a lower caste but her family thinks she is possessed and cast the spell out of her.

Anna Ben
Jawahar Sakthi


2024 Tamil Movie

Never seen a road trip movie filled with such human emotional horrors, sorrow,rage and stubbornness. But only this road trip is a journey to kill that woman's happiness, her dreams, her freedom and her dignity, as her family takes Meena (Anna Ben) to Possession ritual thinking she is under the influence of black magic spell cast by her lover who is from a different caste. The amount of social infirmity lies in this one film is so shocking to see as well very triggering. Seeing The level of stupidity in the belief system and the level of patriarchal control over women to this date make you feel disgusted being human, like how we can treat a woman like that. She has become a rock at this point, she has lost her voice and her desire. We dont see how she became so adamant and still but you can understand from the vibe that she tried everything to make them understand about her feelings but it fell on deaf ears and from there after she became like that rooster who is tied to rock so it wont fly away just to slaughter her happiness and dreams at the end. She was nothing less than a mute animal, just like that rooster. And we see that metaphor throughout the film, right from the start where she was staring at the rooster which was tied to rock. What an absolute stunning performance anna ben has given in this film. There are very limited dialogues like just one or two, but we understand all her emotions through her raging eyes and her soul-less face. Soori as pandi was also fantastic, he clearly made the audience hate him and that was the job well done. There is also underlying dead pan humour in this whole scenario which does make you laugh at this whole crazy journey and characters. There is no background sound to make it dramatic, it's just pure raw emotions you see and it will still provoke you, that's the power of this movie.

24 Sep’24 18:01