The Rabbit House

"The Rabbit House" unfolds the poignant tale of a newlywed girl seeking liberation from a constricting marriage with a partner suffering from OCD. As we witness her silent struggle for freedom, the story raises questions about where she will find it - in life or in death. Set against the scenic backdrop of Himachal Pradesh, the film intricately weaves together elements of mystery and romance. The narrative skillfully navigates the complexities of relationships, mental health, and societal expectations. The film's title, "The Rabbit House," carries a symbolic weight, suggesting that the protagonist's quest for freedom might mirror the elusive nature of a rabbit's burrow. The scenic landscapes of Himachal Pradesh serve not only as a picturesque backdrop but also as an integral part of the storytelling, enriching the narrative with cultural nuances. With a compelling storyline, relatable characters, and stunning visuals, "The Rabbit House" promises to be a cinematic journey that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling.

Padmanab Gaikwad
Amitriyan Patil
Gagan Pradeep
Sujata Mogal Pawar
Preeti Sharma

The Rabbit House

2025 Hindi Movie